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Jan · 111. Organising Lucrative Virtual Events with Kris Broholm


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Virtual Events Mob is the latest venture for language entrepreneur and affiliate expert Kris Broholm. The business removes the stress and hassle of organising and running virtual conferences or summits. 

There are massive possibilities for ROI when you host a virtual event, but there is also a ton of work involved. So, would running or speaking at a Virtual Conference make sense for your business? 

Let’s find out.    

What you’ll learn in this interview:


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What is a virtual event?

A virtual conference brings together people and audiences. It can be a product on its own, generate leads, and build relationships with others in your niche. Virtual events usually include a free component and a paid upgrade experience. 

The host invites a group of experts in related niches to speak on their preferred topics. Conferences, or summits, run for three to five days, with different speakers to watch each day. 

Videos are usually pre-recorded — often as an interview between host and expert — but organisers can throw in an occasional live panel or Q&A as well. Everyone involved promotes the event to their audiences. 

Benefits to your business:

Virtual events take a tremendous amount of work, but they’re worth it because of the enormous benefits to everyone involved. The host gains exposure far beyond their usual audience and ends up with a valuable evergreen product. Speakers gather new leads and revenue from affiliate links, while the conference viewers learn information and skills. 

Revenue opportunities:

A portion of the event is free and open to all, but you can offer bonuses with a paid upgrade. For example, anyone can watch the daily videos free for 24 hours; paid subscribers gain lifetime access, transcripts and audio files. 

Some hosts make e-books or PDFs that summarise each speaker’s information which people can buy as an alternative to taking notes.  

“The real value lies in all the new leads who will potentially buy your products. It’s a big branding opportunity for every speaker, and a win-win all round.” 

How to organise an online conference

Decide on an overarching theme. Then, divide it into categories, one for each day of the conference.

Invite speakers: ask at least 40-50 people who work in niches related to yours. Inevitably, some will say no, so invite more than you think you’ll need.

Build speaker profiles: Gather their bios, photos, topics and questions to ask if you’re doing an interview. Ensure they have a chance to promote their lead magnet during the video and link to it prominently in the profile. 

Record sessions: You could try using Vimeo, which has free and paid plans available.

Upload videos in advance and schedule them for the correct day and time. Kris recommends HeySummit for hosting because it’s a dedicated virtual event tool.

Create marketing campaigns: Promotional emails and social media campaigns start one or two months in advance. 

Write conference schedule emails: Send all participants a daily programme and an “evening roundup” email so that people know what and when to watch. Prepare all your emails well in advance. 

Run the virtual conference:

Ensure you can handle any tech problems.

Give people a chance to upgrade during every session.

Respond to questions and the 101 other jobs that will keep you busy. 

Appear on live sessions: Most videos will be pre-recorded, but some hosts offer live Q&A or discussion sessions during the event. You might do the opening and closing addresses live too. 

After the event: Start promoting your service or product to new leads. These can be existing products. Or, you might use the conference as the start of an extensive new course.

A virtual event is a huge undertaking, so plan to spend at least six months organising it. 

Tips to market your virtual event

“It’s really about hitting that match between the audience and the information. The more valuable the information is, the more technical it is, the more you can charge and the better your conversion rate will be.” 

Virtual events can work well in many niches, including Language, Education, Health & Fitness, Marketing and Technology, although some will command higher prices than others. 

Build authority with your virtual event

As the event host, you build authority by associating with so many wise leaders in your niche. 

“It fits really well with the Creator Smarts business model, where you have a course, maybe consulting or coaching. It’s a great way to get known in your industry and build authority and get people to know more about you.” 

Use your conference as an opportunity for networking, a chance to connect with people you already know and with those you only know by reputation.

Ask speakers to nominate others who might be interested in joining you.

Who has an audience similar to yours? Widen this to include related niches. 

E.g. A language summit could also include travel bloggers, YouTubers, teachers, polyglots, specialists in beginner, intermediate and advanced learners, book and app creators and more.

Aim high – there’s no harm in asking the “big players”, and if you ask in the right way, some of them will probably agree to join in.  

Use a high-success pitch to secure speakers

People in the online world love to connect with others. They want to know what’s going on in their industry and alleviate the loneliness of online work. Many will remember that they had help when they were unknown and want to pay that forward by helping you. The key lies in pitching your summit in the right way.

  1. Make the value clear: show their opportunities for lead generation and affiliate revenue.
  2. Demonstrate momentum: mention other people who’ve already said yes and quote combined audience numbers. 
  3. Be diplomatic, and show that you’re going to be very easy to work with.
  4. Be well organised throughout the process.
  5. Thank everyone afterwards. It’s not usual to offer direct payment for speaking, but people will appreciate and remember a warm thank you. It could be as simple as a thoughtful card or even flowers and a thank you note.

There’s really no limit to hosting a virtual event. Of course, you’ll have to work hard, but the benefits to your business from a successful summit are enormous.

“As long as you know that people are interested in your niche you can do a conference and you will have that as a product and as a lifetime evergreen opportunity for your business, whether it’s lead generation or a consistent money earner.”

Need a hand? Contact Kris

Virtual Event Mob Website

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